Our staff, highly skilled in the field of electronics, mechanics and hydraulics, performs maintenance and servicing of your machines for you. In the field of service and maintenance we offer support and remedy of faults that occur on your machine.
Our service technicians can be continuously present in your facilities, namely every 14 days or monthly, depending on the agreement, in order to perform regular maintenance or servicing. We also offer you online support.
Maintenance services include visual inspection and control, checking of operation, lubrication of components, bearings, chains, supply and replacement of spare parts and consumables. With regular maintenance you may prevent standstills which means huge savings at the production costs.
We solve all kinds of problems that occur on your machines and at the same time we take care that with regular services you maintain long services life of your machines.
In case of standstill or malfunctions in the process we offer you their remedy in the shortest possible time.
V našem podjetju vam poleg široke palete izdelkov oblikujemo celovite rešitve, prilagojene vašim proizvodnim procesom. Z našim strokovnim znanjem in dolgoletnimi izkušnjami vam pravilno svetujemo pri izbiri ustrezne tehnologije in stroja za vaš proizvodni proces.
Najprej z vami temeljito pregledamo in preučimo vaše želje oz. zahteve. Informacije, ki jih potrebujemo so naslednje:
Na osnovi vaših pridobljenih informacij vam nato svetujemo:
Head of Service department
E-mail: servis@riko-ekos.si
Gsm: +38670640398
Here is an advanced computer configurator in front of you which allows you to create a configuration of the most suitable equipment and machines considering the needs of your business activity and/or the input material.
Here is an advanced computer configurator in front of you which allows you to create a configuration of the most suitable equipment and machines considering the needs of your business activity and/or the input material.
Are you not sure what kind of machine would meet your needs? Ask our specialists!
We provide you with a comprehensive solution or an individual part of the equipment.
Each of our products is unique and tailored to your needs.
We provide you with a comprehensive solution or an individual part of the equipment.
Each of our products is unique and tailored to your needs.
Riko Ekos d.o.o.
Mali Log 2a,
SI-1318 Loški Potok
Winter and summer equipment